0.04 - Added a config, which should make it easier for you guys to create an own one! - Weapon restrictions are added now - Removed the scope effect of the strogg HUD - Cvars - g_skipPostProcess skip SDs PostProcess, we want FPS - g_skipAtmosphericEffects be sure to set this to 1 before you load the map, skips rain, snow etc - g_disableTracers Show tracers? - si_limitHog Only allow one hog at the same time - si_limitDesecrator Only allow one Descrator at the same time - si_limitCyclobs Only allow one Cyclob at the same time - si_limitTrojan Only allow one Trojan / APC at the same time - si_limitTitan Only allow one Titan at the same time - si_heavyUseDelay Time in seconds after a killed or decay'd heavy vehicle is useable again - si_allowTimerset Allow the clientside ETQWPRo timer - Added a cvar that allows to gib bodies faster. si_allowFastGib - allow or denie faster gib si_gibScale - scale the damage a player gets when he get gibbed si_gibCenterDistance - how near do players have to be to instant gib players with knifes We suggest leaving those cvars to their default values - Added a cvar which lets you control the "aim style". si_aimstyle [0,...,2] 0 = vanilla ETQW 1 = ETQWPRO Spread Settings 2 = ET Spread Settings - Added a cvar which lets you control the "movement style". si_sprintstyle [0,...,1] 0 = vanilla ETQW 1 = Allow to sprint sidewards, allow to sprint while reloading - Added a cvar which lets you auto lock Teams at match begin si_AutoLockTeams [0,...,1] - Added a lock and unlock command which lets a client lock teams and prevent specs from joining! - Added a timerset command which can be your very own stopwatch. - Made respawnTimer yellow - Stopwatch is red 0.03 - Fixed Screenshots being black at the end of the round - Fixed a message Overflow (caused client crashes) - Fixed spawn Select - Fixed class selection (see later) - Fixed ready Team (there may still be some issues) - Removed player class (weapon) restriction (broken) - Demos are now named like "date_time_map" - Demos will start when countdown starts - Demos will end as soon as the map ends or @ a match reset - FireTeams now show Members HP - latched Classes - Hitsounds are really hearable now - weapons spread adjusted - Introduced Pause function. Every team has 3 Pauses which can last 2 minutes. Only Team Members and admins can unpause Unpause will have a delay of 5 seconds - Introduced setSpawnPoint / setspawnpt setspawnpoint will print all available spawns! setspawnpoint will let u spawn at the chose spawnpoint setspawnpoint -1 will let u spawn at the Frontline! - Introduced class Command class - ClientClass reverted back to normal clientClass - Introduced aliases. pause -> pauseGame unpause -> unpauseGame readyteam -> teamReady setspawnpt -> setspawnPoint 0.02 - crash fixed