===================== : AFTER THE WAR 4 : ===================== : O F F I C E : ===================== Custom map for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars by Mordenkainen (xor.planetaclix.pt) BETA 2 - July 2008 ================== This map implements Capture The Flag gameplay. A team can only score if it steals the enemy flag and brings it to their own. GDF have to steal the data brain and take it to their own flag, the briefcase. At the same time the Strogg have to steal the briefcase and take it to their own flag, the data brain. Map has three flag rounds. The team who captures 2 out of 3 flags wins the map. This Beta 2 release features a longer play area, along with more constrained roof area to lengthen the gameplay. There are also some colision and performance optimisations. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ################################################ IF YOU HAVE AN OLDER VERSION OF THIS MAP, PLEASE REMOVE IT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS NEW VERSION ################################################ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INSTALLATION ============ You must have Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars v1.5 or higher already installed. 1) Extract all the files to the "/base/" folder, after which you'll have the following files: z_atw4_b2.pk4 z_atw4_b2.txt 2) The map should now be available from the Play Computer and Server menus. You can also load the map directly in singleplayer by typing "map maps/atw4" in the console. CREDITS & LEGAL INFORMATION =========================== The final version of the map will include proper credit and legal information. EOF