Instagibmod ETQW beta version 0.1 (Linux)

by Lifetap

1. Quick introduction

This mod is an instagib mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars (TM), beta version 0.1 released August 18 2008. Linux build released August 19 2008.

All players have railguns, no other weapons. The railgun kills players in one hit, has infinite ammo and no spread. The game is slightly faster than regular ETQW, because you can sprint in all directions and forward sprint is faster than normal.

A new gametype is introduced, Team Deathmatch (TDM), where the team with the most kills wins, either after reaching a scorelimit or when the time is up. The scoreboard has been changed to show stats more relevant to TDM.

2. Installation and game setup

Make a folder called instagibmod in your Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars game folder (/usr/local/games/etqw or similar). Place instagibmod-linux.pk4 and instagibmod-pak000.pk4 (and any mod maps) in the new instagibmod folder. (You can also place the maps in the base folder.)

To start Instagibmod, start your Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars game. On the main menu screen, after the introduction video, click the "Mods" button in the lower right corner. Select Instagibmod ETQW beta 0.1 and click Play. The game will restart and load Instagibmod. You can then join an Instagibmod server online or play against bots offline.

If you are having troubles starting a map/campaign using spawnServer, make sure si_rules is set to instagibTeamDeathMatch or instagibCampaignTeamDeathMatch.

For server admins

Make sure your server config doesn't override the new default values of pm_sprintspeedforward, pm_sprintspeedback and g_showPlayerArrows, and that si_rules is set to instagibTeamDeathMatch or instagibCampaignTeamDeathMatch. The scorelimit can be set with the console command admin setTdmScorelimit.

3. Uninstalling

ETQW saves game data in two locations: the folder where you installed the game and in your user's home folder. Remove the following folders and their content to uninstall Instagibmod:

4. Feature list

Added serverside cvars list:

Edited old cvars:

5. Credits

6. Contact

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